Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Soy Estados Unidian

Inauguration day was really inspirational. Not because of the election, or the ceremony. (in fact the there were many things I didn't like about ceremony I don´t want to get political here but if you are interested damali wrote and interesting blog about it http://damaliayo.com/pages/blog_LJ.htm )
Don´t get me wrong I love our new president but I was inspired by more then just the historic day.

I was inspired because in Oaxaca Mexico a group of more then 60 Americans crowded in to a restaurant to watch the inauguration. A diverse group of people gathered, some who voted for President Obama, some for Senator McCain, some for Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and some not all.

Politics weren't on the table. we were all just there as Americans to watch our new president be sworn in. I was inspired by the camaraderie and respect for the day. When the President said "We will restore science to its rightful place" I got shivers and said thank you aloud while people cheered. Everyone was respectful, they placed there hands over their hearts during the The Star-Spangled Banner, and were quiet during the many prayers. ( which is a whole other topic )

I will never for get that day It was very powerful, I was in Mexico yet I had never felt more American.

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