Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monte Alban

Luckily for me while my friends were of getting scared for life I went to Monte Alban.

Monte Albán was amazing it was the largest ruins site I had ever visited. I went with my friends Kevin, Olivia and Elizabeth it was fun to share a new experience with new friends.

Monte Albán is a large archaeological site just outside Oaxaca city. The Zapotec's began its construction around 500 BCE. It is believed to have been inhabited until 700 CE. The history of this site is complicated and confusing. What our guide told us was very different then what I over heard another guide telling a different group. Like most things of this era archaeologists argue over why it was founded, its and its exact significance and what dialy life was like.

One very interesting thing that is known is that the Zapotec's preformed brain surgery here and people lived after it. There have been a ton of skulls like this one found.

There is also a ball court here like the one in Yagul and Palanque. Our guide in insisted that the game was played with a rubber ball, but I heard another guide saying the game was played with stone (ouch)

The majority of Monte alban is partly reconstructed from original material, but there are some really interesting original walls with artwork.

When you look at the photos realize that the buildings were not in the stone, what you see are the foundations of the buildings. When you imagined giant adobe walls atop the what an incedable site!

1 comment:

  1. you should read Fingerprints of the Gods, Kerri. Eric had it on his shelf...he just needs to keep a better eye on his books when I'm there. Anyway, a large part is devoted to the advanced knowledge shared by many civilizations down there. I'm not surprised the guides are all confused and in giving inconsistent info.
