Saturday, December 27, 2008


On my second day in Oaxaca i also went to Teotitlan

Teotitlan is a Zapotec pueblo about 30 minutes outside of Oaxaca. Weaving in Teotitlan is more about family, tradition and connection with the natural world then it is about rugs. Personally I have never been a been fan of this particular type of art but after seeing the process i have a great respect for the artists.
The whole family participates is the process. Women soften, clean and spin the wool by hand into yarn, and traditionally, men do the weaving. (Though when i went all the women were weaving) Children learn the process from their parents, the help make the dyes and sometimes simple projects.

The entire process is 100% natural, they spin the wool clean it with a natural soap that is found in the woods. (my first thought when i saw it was Ah! i have to get some for Dianne and Nicki .... it was very cool even cooler than soap nuts!)

Teotitlan is famous for its brilliant red dye.

The natural dye is made from the cochinilla insect that lives on the cactus.

All the other colors are made by mixing the cochinilla with lime, baking soda, Marigold, indigo and other natural sources

The whole process was so interesting and intricate. I would NEVER have the patience for it. Some of the larger rugs can take up to six months to complete.

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